Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hi everyone! yesterday my bff came over for a sleepover! Today we went to tony's,our neighbourhood candy store. On our way back we stopped at a yard sale! There was this brass looking vanity that came with a vanity stool chair thing and it was only $5! I fell in love with it,so i went home and asked mom and dad if i could buy it. They said yes!!!!! So now that vanity is in my room looking all awesome!
                      Any way, school's going really well. My teacher this year is Mr.Marolt. He's awesome!!!! He's very nice and funny. Mr.Marolt let's us bring in our electronics to take notes and surf the web.  I got the white iPod touch for my birthday, so that's what I'm using. Another cool thing is this year, our school is starting a Glee club!!!! I joined,of course.
          That's really all that's new this week.I'll post a pic of the vanity soon!
                                                                  Colourfully yours:Molly V.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Colour lovers!

Hi every one!
                       I've recently discovered a site called :!
   On the site you can design your own patterns, colour other peoples and your own patterns,create palettes,and last but not least: create colours!
      Also when you're done colouring(or making a palette) sometimes a box will come up and say you get to name those colour(s)!    here is the link! Enjoy!

      creatively yours: Molly Vanderburgh

Sunday, September 2, 2012


      Hi! sorry I know I haven't posted in a really long time!
              So here's what's new- I'm going into grade 7!
                                              -   I have been doing art a lot
                                             -    I've had an awesome summer!
                                                         this is my e-reader : the kobo touch
                                                      this is the inside of my case that mom and I made
                                                         the out side and it's closed.
                                                                      I love it!
                                 that's all for now! creatively yours: Molly Vanderburgh